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Find community in Mountaineer Meet Ups

If you are still trying to find your community at WVU, you are not alone!  

It sometimes takes Mountaineers a while to find their people and to develop meaningful friendships and community — and Mountaineer Meet Ups are designed to help.  

These peer-led, interest-based groups are intended to be friendly and welcoming environments where students can connect with others through weekly meet ups and activities.  Get connected to the community through the GroupMe platform where members introduce themselves and stay looped in on events and opportunities.  Each community has a peer mentor who helps plan and communicate the weekly meet up as well as other opportunities.  

Current Meet Up communities include:
  • Grub Club
  • Gaming Crew
  • Adventure Meet Up
  • Meet & Eat
  • Get out of the Lab
  • Loved One and Nourish
Explore the Meet Up Communities and get connected:  Mountaineer Meet Ups | Student Life | West Virginia University (

"I really enjoyed the idea of meeting new people who shared some common interests and have made some very close friends because I joined these groups! One of the Mountaineer Meet-Ups, the Breakfast Club (now called Grub Club), has allowed me to get close to some people that I probably wouldn't have met while here at WVU, and I look forward to creating more fun memories with the Meet-Ups." – Stephen Kovaleski