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Street, Jones elected WVU Student Government Association leaders

The campaign for West Virginia University student body president and vice president ended Thursday (March 13) as the Student Government Association Judicial Court certified Colin Street and Rozaireo Jones as president and vice president, respectively, for the 2025-26 academic year.

Read the full story on WVUToday. 

Street, a Foundation Scholar and member of the Honors College from Morgantown, is a sophomore pursuing a triple major in political scienceenvironmental and energy resources management and multidisciplinary studies.

He is a member of the Student Sierra Coalition, and two-term senator at-large and co-chair of the Community and Government Relations Committee in the WVU Student Government Association. As a senator-at-large, Street led the effort to establish the SGA Mutual Aid Cabinet in the Mountainlair to provide students with free menstrual hygiene products and other supplies.

“Ro and I couldn’t be more excited to serve the student body this upcoming year,” Street said. “We will promote the health and well-being resources accessible to students by expanding Mutual Aid Cabinets beyond the Mountainlair. We also plan to help expand the High School ACCESS Early College Program to additional high schools across the state and will work with the Center for Learning, Advising and Student Success to foster peer-advising opportunities for students.”

Jones, a sophomore from Fairmont, is majoring in journalism and multidisciplinary studies. He is a senator for the WVU College of Creative Arts and Media who serves as a Presidential Student Ambassador and a member of the Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. As a senator, he led efforts for the University to partner with the White House Correspondence Association to unlock scholarship funds for students.

“The future of the Student Government Association is in good hands,” said Thanh Le, director of Student Engagement and Leadership. “There was so much positive energy on the campaign trail, and I am looking forward to working with this new generation of leaders.”