Consider taking EDUC 232: Data Literacy in the fall, 2025 semester. The course provides
students with skills for thinking critically about and with data. Students will analyze
and critique data-based claims, consider the representation and use of data in a
variety of contexts, interpret and produce methods of describing and visualizing
data, and engage in data-informed decision making.
EDUC 232: Data Literacy:
- Is a 3-credit, full semester course
- Is offered as an online (asynchronous) course
- Will be offered in four sections in the fall, 2025 semester:
o 701: CRN: 87365
o 702: CRN: 87366
o 703: CRN: 87367
o 704: CRN: 87368
- Satisfies the GEF Area 3 requirement (Mathematics & Quantitative Reasoning)
For more information, contact: Jake Follmer