The May 20-31 immersion program focuses on the country’s unique blend of cultures and diverse unspoiled wilderness. It’s a long flight, but you’ll experience:
Auckland – New Zealand’s largest city. Explore the regional sites, including the Waitangi Treaty Grounds and Gibbs Farm art installation.
Rotorua – A region known for its lush jungles and hot springs. Count on a stop along the way at Hobbiton and the Waitomo Glowworm caves. Plus, a traditional Māori feast and concert in Mitai.
Tongariro – Heading south, we’ll encounter an active volcano and one of the oldest and largest national parks in the world. Not to mention there’s a wide range of hiking trails and the filming location for Mordor in the Lord of the Rings.
- Wellington – New Zealand’s capital and the windiest city in the world. The city is known for its steep hills, café culture, museums, galleries, movie studios, parks, and nature preserves.
Applications are due Feb. 1 and the decision date is Feb. 3.